The Guys!

The Guys!
Leaving for the MTC

Monday, October 7, 2013

Another great week!

Hola Familia!
wow okay so much has happened this last week! okay first of all so I'm sure today is just a normal day for all of you but for us its not. so this morning we got up kinda early and had a leader training meeting in san fernando which was great and I got to talk to everyone from my district since we are all leaders and a bunch of other friends which was awesome. and then we came back in bus and train and ate lunch with the stake patriarch whos in our ward and now we have time to email home and then work. In other words today is kinda a normal work day (apart from the meeting) because we just get to write and then work today and we will have p day tomorrow. we will be going to temaiken (a big zoo in escobar like 10 min away from maschwitz) as a mission!! :) its gonna be so sick!! we gotta get up early and then have a meeting in the chapel there and then we go to the zoo. its kinda a gift from president and now that we are 240 missionaries instead of 170 when pres ayre got here he kinda wants us to be able to meet everyone. I'm so excited to be able to hang out with everyone and see everyone I didnt see today. mainly elder whitsitt (since he isnt a district leader anymore) and elder arostica. but yeah thatll be way way fun. okay so general conference was great!! :) I hope that you were all able to learn and understand as much if not more stuff than I did. I really felt the spirit strong during the conference most of the time. sunday morning was kinda rough for reasons but besides that it was awesome. we are so blessed to have prophets seers and revelators in our day :) oh and our little greengo room was great like always with cookies and snacks and the spirit :) during the week we had the zone meeting which was really good and we were able to set goals as a district and zone. I also did like 3 baptismal interviews which went good too. with one of them I was able to do divisions with one of the zone leaders for a few hours and learned alot about how they work and are having success. its cool to know that even though I am the oldest (in mission time) in the zone that I can still learn so much from everyone else. humility is such a huge attribute! so besides that isabel was supposed to get baptised on sunday. she passed her interview and everything during the week and then wasnt able to come on sunday.. it was sad that she couldnt enter into the waters of baptism just yet or see the conference but she will get baptised this saturday. so besides that we had 3 baptisms as a district and we should have at least a few more this weekend. I really like it here in capital and the work I feel is so much more fast paced up here in this zone and in my district which is helping me to do better and be better faster which I'm greatful for! and its actually starting to get a bit warmer which I'm happy about :) so thats about it for my week.

oh dont worry mom last monday I downloaded the relief society session talks and listened to them during the week :) they were great. and supposedly we are gonna watch the priesthood session as a zone soon and we might watch it next week with the patriarch too :) so we are set haha. elder garrett speaks a little bit but doesnt understand like anything haha we help him though. yeah his trainer is a really really good trainer and person and he speaks way good english so thats good too. and the new senior couple is from I think they said spanish fork? I think so. I'm so glad ashlee is finally coming home!! :) I know she will heal in no time! mom thats awesome you got accepted!! I'm very happy and proud of you!! :) congrats!! I really loved elder hollands talk about depression too. It was great. well I guess thats it for this week. I think me and my district from the mtc tomorrow are gonna plan what to do for our last p day since we can go anywhere we want we want to hang out and do something together. cant wait! :) les amo mucho!! :)

Elder Buxton

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